Victor D. Seremet, Ph.D., Dr. Sc. |
I. Influence Element Method to derive Green’s functions and Green’s matrices and respective Poisson’s type integral formulas (especially in closed form) for two and 3D boundary-value problems for canonical orthogonal domains (Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, spherical etc., and composite structures from them) for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic differential equations in the fields of:
1. Mathematical Physics
Heat conduction (stationary and non stationary)
Electrostatics and Electrodynamics
2. Mechanics of Solids
Elasticity (elastostatic and elastodynamics)
Thermoelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Electroelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Magnetoelasticity (stationary and non stationary)
Poroelasticity (poroelastostatic and poroelastodynamics)
3. Fluid Mechanics (Navier- Stokes Equations).
II. Application of the Green’s functions and Green’s matrices to solve non homogeneous boundary value problems, arising from different branches of modern science, industry and technologies.
Major areas of interest:
Elaboration of the new formalism to construct the domain Green’s functions and matrices for mathematical physics differential equations (especially for equations of elliptic type);
Obtaining of concrete analytical expressions for the domain Green’s functions and matrices and to write systematical encyclopedias on this field;
Applications of the domain Green’s functions and matrices in micromechanics of defects in solids, in fracture mechanics and solution of the boundary value problems in stochastic statement
Mathematics: Partial Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Mathematical Physics Equations, Mathematical Analysis, Alternative methods to construct Green's functions and Green's matrices in Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematical Physics, Continuum Mechanics, especially in elasticity and thermo elasticity (both static and dynamics);
Mechanics: Integral Equations in Elasticity, Continuum Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Static, Dynamics, Theory of Elasticity, Thermo-elasticity, Poro-elasticity, Thermo-viscous-elasticity, Creeping Theory of Concrete, Polymers, Metals.
1. I elaborate new integral equations in elasticity and my own effective new theory on constructing Green's functions and matrices. On the basis of this theory I constructed about 3000 new Green's functions and matrices for boundary-value problems of Elasticity, Thermo elasticity and Heat Conduction. These results were published in many journals in Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Moldova and were summed in my book "Handbook on Green's Functions and Matrices" published by WIT press in UK and USA. Obtained results may be extensive used for analysis of stress-strain state of Civil Engineering Massive Elements and Structures of various shape.
My plans in future are to develop this theory in general case for domains of curvilinear system of co-ordinate both in static and dynamics and to obtain new concrete results and analytical expressions for Green's functions and matrices. On this basis to publish a new Encyclopaedia on Green's Functions and Matrices which will be very useful for researchers, engineers, involved in solving of boundary value problems arising from different branch of industry and Engineering. This Encyclopaedia will play the seam role in Engineering as Table of Integrals and Sums in Mathematics. The Encyclopaedia will present an impact in development of computational methods and possibilities to solve Engineering Problems.
2. I elaborated a new method to solve 2-D and 3-D boundary-value problems in Solid Mechanics (so called Influence Elements Method). Influence Element Method (IEM) is based on the constructed in analytical form the Green's functions and matrices for elastic bodies with the simple canonical forms. IEM can be also use for the analyse of elastic and thermo elastic displacements and stresses fields for the more complicate in forms bodies, which represent a synthesis of simple canonical bodies. This method is expected to be more exactly and more efficient that classical method of finite elements, boundary element method and others. These results were summed in my book "Influence Elements Method" published in Romanian in Republic of Moldova.
My plans in future are to organize on the basis of Influence Elements Method and on the basis of constructed Green's matrices in analytical form the elaboration of the new computer software for analysis of stress-strain states of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Structures. On the basis of constructed Green's matrices and Influence Elements Method to compute stiffness matrices for Finite Element Method. To elaborate the compatibility between Influence Elements Method and Finite Element Method. On this basis to generate the new development of computational methods, including Finite Element Method. The established compatibility between Influence Elements Method and Finite Element Method will permit to solve boundary value problems not only for elastic bodies, which are composed from several bodies with the simple regular shape (for all regular domains can be used IEM), but also for the complicated bodies, which include additional the non regular domains (for these non regular domains can be used FEM).
3. For the first time I suggested a new formula for determination of Dynamical and Static Thermal Stresses in different Civil Engineering Elements and Structures. This formula represents a generalization of Green's and Maysel's formulas onto uncoupled thermo elasticity. These results were published in journals and conferences in USA, Japan and in my book, published by WIT press in UK and USA.
My plans in future are to develop this formula in the area of Coupled Thermo elasticity. On the basis of this formula to elaborate a new Encyclopaedia of Thermo elastic Static and Dynamical Influence Functions for Displacements.
4. Suggested methodology, applied for elaboration of the new theory of Green's matrices constructing for elastostatics boundary value problems is universally. It means that this methodology is valuable for elaboration of others new theories of Green's matrices constructing, not only for the elliptic Lame's set of system of equations, but also for the others systems of differential equations in partial derivatives for the bodies of numerous systems of orthogonal coordinates. This demonstrates that the methodology and the results of realization of this methodology will contribute essentially to appearance of the new theories of solving of boundary value problems. This will have a considerable influence on development of different areas of sciences, based on the different phenomena which are describe by with the systems o differential equations in partial derivatives. It is well known that at present for solving the vector boundary value problems are used directly the classical methods of mathematical physics, which were elaborated for solving of scalar boundary value problems. We have to mention that the main idea of the proposed methodology is to represent the solutions of the vector boundary value problems in a form of integrals, the kernels of which are the influence functions for the scalar boundary value problems, solvable in analytical form. As a final result we bring the process of solution of vector boundary value problems (are describe with the system of differential equations in partial derivatives) to the solution of some scalar boundary value problems (to the construction of some influence functions for the scalar differential equations in partial derivatives), solvable in the analytical form (also it is necessary to compute certain surface integrals or sometimes, in the more general cases of boundary conditions it is necessary to solve boundary integral equations). This is the main difference between the proposed in this project methodology and the existing methods to solve vector boundary value problems (or for Green's matrices constructing).
RECENT SUPERVISER of 2 Dissertations |
Permission to supervise Doctor and Doctor Habilitat dissertations in Solids Mechanics: |
Decision nr 603 of Superior Attestation Commission of Republic of Moldova from 14.04.06
Some recent and most significant publications (from more then 120): |
Seremet Victor,Thermoelastic Green’s function (Steady-state BVPs for some semi-infinite domains), Editorial Centre of Agrarian State University, Publisher “Print-Caro” 236p. Chişinău 2014,ISBN 978-9975-46-108-1.
- Victor Seremet & Guy Bonnet, Encyclopedia of Domain Green’s Functions (Thermo-magneto-electrostatics of solids in rectangular and polar coordinates), State Agrarian University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2008, 220 pag., (in English).
- Seremet V.D. Handbook of Green's Functions and Matrices - WIT press, Southampton and Boston, UK&USA, 2003, Book 304 p. + CD ROM, 232 p. (in English).
- Seremet Victor, Influence Elements Method, Agrarian State University of Moldova:Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2003, 260 pag.
- Seremet Victor, Influence Functions in Stationary Thermoelasticity, Agrarian State University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2003, 308 pag.
- Seremet V.D. Green's functions and Green's matrices. Elasto-, thermo-, electrostatics of solid bodies. Chisinau, Stiinta, Academy of Science of Moldova, 1994, - 220 p.
- Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's Matrices and Their Application to the Theory of Elasticity, Chisinau, Monograph dep. In Mold. NIINTI N1346-M94, 1994, 286p.
Articles published in the Journals cited by ISI:
- Seremet Victor, Green’s Functions in Three-Dimensional Thermoelastostatics , Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, pp. 2061-2070, Springer, 2014, Hetnarski, Richard B. (Ed.), ISBN 978-94-007-2738-0
- Seremet Victor and Erasmo Carrera, Solution in Elementary Functions to a BVP of Thermoelasticity: Green's Functions and Green's-Type Integral Formula for Thermal Stresses within a Half-Strip”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 37, Issue 8, August, 2014, pp. 947-968 Taylor&Francis,ISSN 0149-5739, IF, ISI: 1.169.
- Șeremet Victor, Recent integral representations for thermoelastic Green’s functions and many examples of their exact analytical expressions, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37,(5), pp. 561-584, 2014, Taylor&Francis,ISSN 0149-5739, IF, ISI: 1.169.
- Seremet Victor, A new approach to constructing Green's functions and integral solutions in thermoelasticity, ActaMechanica, 225, (3), pp. 737-755, 2014, Springer,ISSN: 0001-5970 IF, ISI1.268.
- Seremet Victor, Static equilibrium of a thermoelastic half-plane: Green’s functions and solutions in integrals, Arch ApplMech, 84, (4), pp. 553-570, 2014, Springer, ISSN: 0939-1533, IF, ISI: 1.438.
- Șeremet Victor, A new efficient unified method to derive new constructive formulas and explicit expressions for plane and spatial thermoelastic Green’s functions, ActaMechanica, DOI 10.1007/s00707-014-1160-y, 2014,SpringerISSN: 0001-5970 IF, ISI:1.268.
- Seremet Victor, A new technique to derive many explicit thermoelastic Green’s functions, Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 6, Nr. 2, TJMM
p. 181-200, EDYRO PRESS, 2014, ISSN: 2067-239X.
Seremet Victor, Cretu Ion, Influence functions, integral formulas, and explicit solutions for thermoelastic spherical wedges, Acta Mechanica, 224, 4, 2013, pp. 893-918.
- Seremet Victor, Recent integral representations for thermoelastic Green's functions and many examples of their exact analytical expressions, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2013, 24 p. (accepted).
- Seremet Victor, Static equilibrium of a thermoelastic half-plane: Green’s functions and solutions in integrals, Arch Appl Mech, 2013, 21 p. (submitted).
- Seremet Victor, A new approach to constructing Green's functions and integral solutions in thermoelasticity, Acta Mechanica, 2013, 27 p. (submitted).
- Seremet Victor, New closed-form Green function and integral formula for a thermoelastic quadrant, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36, 2012, pp. 799-812, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2011.07.004
Seremet Victor, Thermoelastostatic equilibrium of a spatial quadrant: Green’s function and solution in integrals, Arch Appl Mech, DOI 10.1007/s00419-012-0625-5, 2012, 23 pages
- Seremet Victor, Exact elementary Green’s functions and integral formulas in thermoelasticity for a half-wedge, ASCE, Engineering Mechanics, 2012, 30 pages
- Șeremet Victor and Guy Bonnet, New closed-form thermoelastostatic Green function and Poisson-type integral formula for a quarter-plane, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, January 2011, Pages 347-358
- Șeremet Victor, A new technique to derive the Green’s type integral formula in thermoelasticity, Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 69. Number 4, 2011, pages 313-326, DOI: 10.1007/s10665-010-9385-9
- Șeremet Victor, Deriving exact Green’s functions and integral formulas for a thermoelastic wedge, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 35, Issue 3, 2011, pages 327-332 DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2010.08.016
- Victor Seremet, New Poisson’s integral formulas for thermoelastic half-space and other canonical domains, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 34, 2 (2010), 158-162.
- Victor Seremet, A method to derive new Greens tensors for polar domains, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 37, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 7-12 .
- Şeremet Victor, New explicit Green’s function and Poisson’s integral formula for a thermoelastic quarter-space, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Volume 33 Issue 4, 2010 Pages 356 – 386
- Seremet Victor, Exact elementary Green functions and Poisson-type integral formulas for a thermoelastic half-wedge with applications, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 33, Issue 12, 2010, pages 1156-1187, DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2010.510746
- Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, New Poisson’s type integral formula for thermoelastic half-Space, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2009, Article ID284380, 18 pages doi:10.1155/2009/284380.
- Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, New integral representations in the dynamic uncoupled thermoelasticity, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 32:1043-1064, 2009, DOI:10.1080/01495730903103119.
- Seremet V., Sheremet A., Generalization of Green's Formulae in Thermoelasticity. An electronic publication at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of USA, 2003, 4 p.
- Seremet V.D. - New Formulae for Dynamical Thermal Stresses. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 25, (2), 2002, USA, 30 p.
- Ìelnikov Yu.A. and Seremet V.D. - Some new results on the bending of circular plate subject to a transverse point force Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Vol.6, ¹ 1, 2001, USA, p. 29-47.
- Seremet, V.D. Integral equations and Green's matrices for boundary value problems in the method of influence elements in mechanics of deformable bodies. Doctor Habilitat Thesis in Physical and Mathematical Science. Chishinau Technical University, Moldova, 1995 (in Russian).
- Seremet, V.D. Functional equations and general integral representations for solutions of boundary problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINIII, N904-B89, 1989- 47p. (in Russian).
- Seremet, V.D. Fundamental solutions of some problems in the theory of elasticity, Izv. Vuzov, Matematika, 1988, N II, p.85-88, Kazani, USSR (in Russian)
- Seremet V.D. To the solution of the spatial Problem in the Theory of Elasticity by the method of Harmonic Integral Equations.:The Second USSR Conference on the Theory of Elasticity, 1984, p.296,Tbilisi, GEORGIA.
- Seremet, V.D. Constructing the function of a source for a mixed problem for the elastic octant. In the book Quality methods in the theory of differential equations - Mathematical Researches of Academy of Science of Moldova - Kishinau., 1984, nr.77, p.162-167, Moldova (in Russian).
- Seremet V.D. Constructing Green's tensor in the theory of elasticity. Reports of Scientific and Research Seminar of Moscow University, Department of Theory of Elasticity at Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov. Vestnik MGU, Seria1, Matematika, Mehanika, 1984, N2, p.94, Moscow, USSR. (in Russian).
- Seremet V.D. Constructing and application of Green's tensors in mechanics of rigid deformed body. Structural Mechanics and constructional analysis, 1983 N3, p.81, Moscow, USSR.
- Seremet V.D. Equilibrium of the elastic octant loaded with the concentrated force. Dep. at the Izv. of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. Mechanics, 1983, p.2-12, Erevan, Armenia, USSR.
Some Conferences and Congresses
- Victor Seremet, Ion Cretu, Dumitru Seremet: Explicit thermalstresseswithin a thermoelastichalf-stripandtheirgraphicalpresentationusingMaple - 15 Soft. Proc. of theThirdConference of Mathematical Society of Moldova IMCS-50 (withinternationalparticipation), Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, 19-23August, 2014, p. 410-413.
Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, The ΘG-convolution method for Green’s integral formulas derivation, Proceedings of the 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-11, 2009.
Шеремет В. Д., Guy Bonnet и Корнеев В. М, Об одном методе построения функций Грина и интегральных формул Пуассона в термоупругости, Воронежская международная конференция "Актуальные проблемы прикладной математики, информатики и механики”, 2009, 5стр.
- Victor Seremet, Guy Bonnet and Tatiana Speianu , New results in construction of the green’s matrices in spherical coordinates, Proceedings of The Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics institute-EM08, University of Minnesota, USA, May 18-21, 2008, 7 pages.
- Victor Seremet, Guy Bonnet and Tatiana Speianu, Influence functions and integral formulae for spherical thermo elastic bodies, The XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM2008, Adelaide University, Australia, 24-30 August, 2008, 2 pages.
- Victor D. Seremet, Dan Precupan, Ioana Vlad and Adrian V. Seremet, The Constructing of Green's Matrices in Cylindrical Co-ordinaties, Proceedings of The 17 th Engineering Mechanics Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 13-16, 2004 at University of Delaware Newark, DE, USA, 9 pages.
- Seremet, V. D., Ioana Vlad, A. Seremet, New Influence Functions for Thermoelastic Sperical Shells, Proceedings of the V-th International Congress on Thermal Stresses (ICTS 2003),Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, June 8-11, 2003, USA, 4p.
- Seremet, V. D., Vlad I., Seremet A., New Integral Formulae in Thermoelasticity, Proceedings of the 16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM 2003) , Seattle, Washington University, July 16-18, 2003, USA, 9 p.
- Seremet V.D. - Some New Results in Constructing of 3D Green's Matrices. Proceedings of the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM 2002), Columbia University in the City of New York, June 2-5, 2002, USA, 8 p.
- Seremet V. D., New Results in 3-D Thermoelasticity, 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA June 24-28, 2002
- Seremet, V. D. - Some New Influence Functions and Integral Solutions in Theory of Thermal Stresses Proceedings of the IV-th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11, 2001, p.423-427, Osaka, Japan
where V. Seremet made reports or publications:
- Numerical Methods Laboratory of Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Science of Moldova (Chishinau, 1981, 1985, 1995);
- at the scientific seminar " Mechanics of Solid Deformed Body" (Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, 1982, 1986);
- at the scientific seminar of the Department of Theory of Elasticity (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 1983);
- at the scientific seminar of the Institute of Mechanics (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1983, 1995);
- at the Second All-Union conference on the Theory of Elasticity (Tbilisi, Georgia, 1984);
- at the scientific seminar "The Numerical Methods in the Mechanics of Continua" (Leningrad State University; Leningrad; 1984);
- at the scientific seminar "Mechanics and Control of Processes" (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Leningrad, 1984);
- at the scientific seminar of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department (Odessa State University, Ukraine, 1986);
- at the Institute of Problems in Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of URSS (Moscow, 1986);
- at the scientific seminar of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department (Dniepropetrovsk State University, Ukraine, 1988);
- at the Second International Conference on the Finite and Boundary Elements ( Sibiu, Romania, 1993);
- at the XVIII Congress of Romanian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts (Chishinau, Moldova, 1993);
- at the First Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Oradia, Romania, 1993);
- at the Fourth International Conference on the Finite and Boundary Elements (Iasi, Romania, 1997);
- at the Fourth International Congress on Thermal Stresses, TS 2001, Osaka, Japan, 8-11 June 2001;
- at the 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA June 24-28, 2002
- at 15th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers (EM2002) at Columbia University in the City of New York, NY USA, June 2-5, 2002;
- at the Fifth International Congress on Thermal Stresses and related Topics (TS 2003), June 8-11, 2003, Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, VA, USA;
- at the 16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers (EM 2003) at Washington University, July 16-18, 2003, Seattle, USA;
- at The 17th Engineering Mechanics Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 13-16, 2004, University of Delaware Newark, DE, USA
- at Laboratory of Mechanics, Marne la Vallee University, July 11, 2005, FRANCE
- at the Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics institute-EM08, University of Minnesota, USA, May 18-21, 2008
- at the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM2008, Adelaide University, Australia, 24-30 August, 2008
Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, The ΘG-convolution method for Green’s integral formulas derivation, Proceedings of the 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-11, 2009.
Шеремет В. Д., Guy Bonnet и Корнеев В. М, Об одном методе построения функций Грина и интегральных формул Пуассона в термоупругости, Воронежская международная конференция "Актуальные проблемы прикладной математики, информатики и механики”, 2009, 5стр.
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