Victor D. Seremet,
Ph.D., Dr. Sc.

Home Experience Awards Research Teaching Publications Contacts
  1. Seremet Victor,Thermoelastic Green’s function (Steady-state BVPs for some semi-infinite domains), Editorial Centre of Agrarian State University, Publisher “Print-Caro” 236p. Chisinau 2014,ISBN 978-9975-46-108-1.
  2. Victor Seremet & Guy Bonnet, Encyclopedia of Domain Green�s Functions (Thermo-magneto-electrostatics of solids in rectangular and polar coordinates), State Agrarian University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2008, 220 pag., (in English).
  3. Victor Seremet Geotechnics & Foundations, Agrarian State University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2008, 211 pag. (in Romanian)

  4. Victor Seremet, Green�s Functions for Poisson�s Equation, Agrarian State University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2006, 242 pag. (in Romanian)

  5. Victor Seremet., Engineering Constructions., Agrarian State University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2006, 242 pag. (in Romanian)

  6. Seremet V.D. Handbook of Green�s Functions and Matrices - WIT press, Southampton and Boston, UK&USA, 2003, Book 304 p. + CD ROM, 232 p. (in English) (see web site

  7. Seremet Victor, Influence Elements Method, Agrarian State University of Moldova:Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2003, 260 pag.

  8. Seremet Victor, Influence Functions in Stationary Thermoelasticity, Agrarian State University of Moldova: Publisher Center of UASM, Chisinau, Moldova, 2003, 308 pag.

  9. Seremet V.D. Green�s functions and Green�s matrices. Elasto-, thermo-, electrostatics of solid bodies. Chisinau, Stiinta, Academy of Science of Moldova, 1994, - 220 p.

  10. Sheremet, V.D. Constructing Green's Matrices and Their Application to the Theory of Elasticity, Chisinau, Monograph dep. In Mold. NIINTI N1346-M94, 1994, 286p.

Articles and Conferences
  1. Victor Seremet, Ion Cretu, Dumitru Seremet: Explicit thermalstresseswithin a thermoelastichalf-stripandtheirgraphicalpresentationusingMaple - 15 Soft. Proc. of theThirdConference of Mathematical Society of Moldova IMCS-50 (withinternationalparticipation), Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 19-23August, 2014, p. 410-413.
  2. Seremet Victor, Green’s Functions in Three-Dimensional Thermoelastostatics , Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, pp. 2061-2070, Springer, 2014, Hetnarski, Richard B. (Ed.), ISBN 978-94-007-2738-0
  3. Articles accepted or published in the Journals cited by ISI:
  4. Seremet Victor and Erasmo Carrera, Solution in Elementary Functions to a BVP of Thermoelasticity: Green's Functions and Green's-Type Integral Formula for Thermal Stresses within a Half-Strip”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 37, Issue 8, August, 2014, pp. 947-968 Taylor&Francis,ISSN 0149-5739, IF, ISI: 1.169.
  5. Seremet Victor, Recent integral representations for thermoelastic Green’s functions and many examples of their exact analytical expressions, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37,(5), pp. 561-584, 2014, Taylor&Francis,ISSN 0149-5739, IF, ISI: 1.169.
  6. Seremet Victor, A new approach to constructing Green's functions and integral solutions in thermoelasticity, ActaMechanica, 225, (3), pp. 737-755, 2014, Springer,ISSN: 0001-5970 IF, ISI1.268.
  7. Seremet Victor, Static equilibrium of a thermoelastic half-plane: Green’s functions and solutions in integrals, Arch ApplMech, 84, (4), pp. 553-570, 2014, Springer, ISSN: 0939-1533, IF, ISI: 1.438.
  8. ?eremet Victor, A new efficient unified method to derive new constructive formulas and explicit expressions for plane and spatial thermoelastic Green’s functions, ActaMechanica, DOI 10.1007/s00707-014-1160-y, 2014,SpringerISSN: 0001-5970 IF, ISI:1.268.
  9. Seremet Victor, A new technique to derive many explicit thermoelastic Green’s functions, Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 6, Nr. 2, TJMM p. 181-200, EDYRO PRESS, 2014, ISSN: 2067-239X.
  10. Seremet Victor,  Cretu Ion, In?uence functions, integral formulas, and explicit solutions for thermoelastic spherical wedges,  Acta Mechanica, 224, 4, 2013, pp. 893-918.

  11. Seremet Victor, Recent integral representations for thermoelastic Green's functions and many examples of their exact analytical expressions, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2013, 24 p. (accepted).

  12. Seremet Victor, Static equilibrium of a thermoelastic half-plane: Green’s functions and solutions in integrals, Arch Appl Mech, 2013, 21 p. (submitted).

  13. Seremet Victor,  A new approach to constructing Green's functions and integral solutions in thermoelasticity, Acta Mechanica, 2013, 27 p. (submitted).

  14. Seremet Victor, New closed-form Green function and integral formula for a thermoelastic quadrant, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36, 2012, pp. 799-812, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2011.07.004

  15. Seremet Victor, Thermoelastostatic equilibrium of a spatial quadrant: Green’s function and solution in integrals, Arch Appl Mech, DOI 10.1007/s00419-012-0625-5, 2012, 23 pages

  16. Seremet Victor, Exact elementary Green’s functions and integral formulas in thermoelasticity for a half-wedge, ASCE, Engineering Mechanics, 2012, 30 pages

  17. Seremet Victor and Guy Bonnet, New closed-form thermoelastostatic Green function and   Poisson-type integral formula for a quarter-plane, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, January 2011, Pages 347-358

  18. Seremet Victor, A new technique to derive the Green’s type integral formula in thermoelasticity, Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 69. Number 4, 2011,  pages 313-326, DOI: 10.1007/s10665-010-9385-9 

  19. Seremet Victor, Deriving exact Green’s functions and integral formulas for a thermoelastic wedge, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 35, Issue 3,  2011, pages 327-332 DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2010.08.016
  20. Seremet Victor, New closed-form Green function and integral formula for a thermoelastic quadrant, Applied Mathematical Modeling, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2011.07.004, 20 pages,  (accepted)

  21. Victor Seremet, New Poisson’s integral formulas for thermoelastic half-space and other canonical domains, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 34, 2 (2010), 158-162.

  22. Victor Seremet, A method to derive new Greens tensors for polar domains, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 37, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 7-12 .

  23. Seremet Victor, New explicit Green’s function and Poisson’s integral formula for a thermoelastic quarter-space, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Volume 33 Issue 4, 2010 Pages 356 – 386

  24. Seremet Victor, Exact elementary Green functions and Poisson-type integral formulas for a thermoelastic half-wedge with applications, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 33, Issue 12, 2010, pages 1156-1187, DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2010.510746

  25. Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, New Poisson’s type integral formula for thermoelastic half-Space, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2009, Article ID284380, 18 pages doi:10.1155/2009/284380.

  26. Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, New integral representations in the dynamic uncoupled thermoelasticity, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 32:1043-1064, 2009,  DOI:10.1080/01495730903103119.
  27. Sheremet Victor, Bonnet Guy and Tatiana Speianu, The TG-convolution method for Green�s integral formulas derivation, Proceedings of the 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-11, 2009.
  28. Victor Seremet, Guy Bonnet and Tatiana Speianu , New results in construction of the green�s matrices in spherical coordinates, Proceedings of The Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics institute-EM08, University of Minnesota, USA, May 18-21, 2008, 7 pages.

  29. Victor Seremet, Guy Bonnet and Tatiana Speianu, Influence functions and integral formulae for spherical thermo elastic bodies, The XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM2008, Adelaide University, Australia, 24-30 August, 2008, 2 pages

  30. V.Seremet, Green�s Function for bounded parallelepiped, Proceedings of the Academy of Transports, Informatics and communication (ATIC), 2007 (in English), 20 pag., Moldova

  31. V. Seremet, Green�s Function for unbounded parallelepiped, Proceedings of the Academy of Transports, Informatics and communication (ATIC), 2006 (in English), 8 pag., Moldova

  32. V. Seremet, V.Racu, T. Speianu , The application of Green�s functions to the study of the deformation of a membrane in a form of circular layer. UASM, 2005, 4 pages.

  33. V. Seremet, G. Marian, Aplicarea functiilor Green la calculul ajustajelor cu joc restabilite cu compozite polimerice, Lucrarile stiintifice ale UASM, 2005, 7 pag., Chisinau

  34. V.Seremet, G. Marian, Contributii privind aplicarea functiilor Green la calculul starii de deformatii si tensiuni a pieselor reconditionate cu straturi compensatoare de uzura, Lucrarile stiintifice ale UASM, 2005, 12 6 pag., Chisinau

  35. V. Seremet, G. Marian, Recomandari privind calculul ajustajelor cu stringere reconditionate cu straturi metalo- polimerice, Jurnalul Stiinta Agrara nr.1, 2005, 7 pag., Chisinau

  36. V. Seremet, G. Marian, Aplicarea functiilor Green la calculul ajustajelor cu stringere renovate cu composite polimerice, Jurnalul Stiinta Agrara nr.1, 2005, 6 pag., Chisinau

  37. V. Seremet, T. Speianu, V.Racu, The construction and application of Green�s functions to the determination of the temperature field of a circular layer, 2004, 6 pages, UASM, Moldova

  38. Sheremet Victor, Precupan Dan, Vlad Ioana and Sheremet Adrian , The Constructing of Green�s Matrices in Cylindrical Co-ordinaties, Proceedings of The 17 th Engineering Mechanics Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, , June 13-16, 2004 at University of Delaware Newark, DE, USA, 9 pages

  39. Seremet, V. D., Ioana Vlad, A. Seremet, New Influence Functions for Thermoelastic Sperical Shells, Proceedings of the V-th International Congress on Thermal Stresses (ICTS 2003),Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, June 8-11, 2003, USA, 4p.

  40. Seremet, V. D., Vlad I.&Seremet A., New Integral Formulae in Thermoelasticity, Proceedings of the 16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference

  41. (EM 2003) , Seattle, Washington University, July 16-18, 2003, USA, 9 p.

  42. Seremet V.D. � Some New Results in Constructing of 3D Green�s Matrices. Proceedings of the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM 2002), Columbia University in the City of New York, June 2-5, 2002, USA, 8 p.

  43. Seremet V. D., New Results in 3-D Thermoelasticity, 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA June 24-28, 2002

  44. Seremet, V. D. � Some New Influence Functions and Integral Solutions in Theory of Thermal Stresses Proceedings of the IV-th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11, 2001, p.423-427, Osaka, Japan

  45. Melnikov Iu. A and Seremet V.D., Some new results on the bending of circular plate subject to a transverse point force Journal �Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids�, 2001, Vol.6, nr 1, USA, p. 29-47.

  46. Sheremet V., New Formulae for Dynamical Thermal Stresses Journal of Thermal Stresses, 25, (2), 2002, USA, p.123-153. Sheremet V., Generalization of Green�s Formulae in Thermo elasticity. An electronic publication at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of USA, 2003, 4 p.

  47. Sheremet V. D., One Integral Formula for the Thermoelastic Octant. Proceedings of the International Conference �70 years of the foundation of the Agrarian State University of Moldova, Moldova, 2003, 4 pag.

  48. Melnikov Yu.A and Seremet V.D., Some new results on the bending of circular plate subject to a transverse point force, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2000, 5, USA.

  49. Melnikov Yu.A. and Seremet V.D. Some new Green�s functions for a circular Poisson � Kirchhoff plate, (IASCOME), 2001.

  50. Seremet V.D. The Integral representations and the construction of Green�s tensors in the orthogonal cylindrical system. The 4- th International Conference on Boundary and FINITE ELEMENT, Section 1 , Iasi , Romania , 1997 p.132-141

  51. Seremet V.D. Integral equations and Green's matrices for boundary value problems in the method of influence elements in mechanics of deformable bodies. Doctor habilitat thesis in physical and mathematical science. Chisinau Technical University, Moldova, 1995 ( in Romanian).

  52. Seremet V.D. General integral presentations and Green�s matrices of one class elasticity theory value problems. Proceedings of the 2-nd National Conference on boundary and FINITE ELEMENT � with international participation. Section 1.Elfin 2. Sibiu, 13-15 , May, 1993, p.169 � 178( in English), Romania

  53. Seremet V.D. Constructing of elastic Green�s matrices and their application in mechanics. Romai. First Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Oradia, Romania, 1993, p.20 ( in Romanian).

  54. Seremet V.D. Method of Green�s functions in the boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity. Chishinau, Abstracts of XVIII Congress of Science and Arts, 1993, p.60. (in Romanian).

  55. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's function and Green's matrix for a elastic strip. Scientific proceedings of the State Agrarian University of Republic of Moldova, V.2, 1992, pp. 50-53 ( in Romanian).

  56. Seremet, V.D. Green's matrices and Green's functions for boundary value problems in stationary heat transfer and static elasticity for the rectangular. Dep. VINITI, N 2606- B91, Moscow,1991, 41p. (in Russian).

  57. Seremet, V.D. Green's functions and Green's matrices for mixed boundary problems in the theory of elasticity for the strip, half-strip, half & quarter of plane. Dep. VINITI, n 4468-B90, Moscow, 1990- 28p. (in Russian).

  58. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's functions and Green's matrices for mixed boundary values in the theory of elasticity fort the space, half, quarter and 1/8 space. Dep. VINITI, N4469-B90, Moscow, 1990, 25p (in Russian).

  59. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's functions and Green's matrices for a class of boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINITI. N518-B90, Moscow, 1990- 23p. (in Russian).

  60. Seremet, V.D. Fundamental solutions of some problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINITI, n 4468-B90, Moscow, 1990- 28p. (in Russian).

  61. Seremet, V.D. Functional equations and general integral representations for solutions of boundary problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINIII, N904-B89, Moscow,1989- 47p. (in Russian).

  62. Seremet V.D. Constructing of Green�s tensor for some problems for the elastic parallelepiped, Dep. VINITI, Moscow, 1988, nr. 2409-B88, - 13 p. (in Russian).

  63. Seremet, V.D. Fundamental solutions of some problems in the theory of elasticity, Izv. Vuzov, Matematika, Kazani, 1988, N II, p.85-88 (in Russian).

  64. Seremet, V.D. Tensor of the influence for elastic quarter of the half-space, Izv. Vuzov. Stroitelistvo i arhitectura, Novosibirsk, 1985, N6, p43-46 (in Russian)

  65. Seremet V.D. To the solution of the spatial Problem in the Theory of Elasticity by the method of Harmonic Integral Equations. Tbilisi, Georgia: Abstracts of the Second USSR Conference on the Theory of Elasticity, 1984, p.296.

  66. Seremet, V.D. Constructing the function of a source for a mixed problem for the elastic octant. In the book Quality methods in the theory of differential equations � Mathematical Researches of Academy of Science of Moldova - Chisinau. 1984, nr.77, p.162-167 (in Russian).

  67. Seremet V.D. Constructing Green's tensor in the theory of elasticity. Reports of Scientific and Research Seminar of Moscow University, Department of Theory of Elasticity at Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov. Vestnik MGU, Seria1, Matematika, Mehanika, 1984, N2, p.94 (in Russian).

  68. Seremet, V.D. Static equilibrium of the elastic half-plane loaded with a concentrated force, Appl. Mechanics (Prikladnaia mehanika), Kiev, 1984, N8, p.52-58 (in Russian).

  69. Seremet, V.D. Green's tensor of a locally-mixed problem for the elastic quadrant, Izv. Vozov. Matematika, Kazani, 1984, N8, P.52-58 (in Russian).

  70. Seremet V.D. Constructing of Green�s tensor for a problem for the elastic octant. Dep. Izv. Vuzov. Mathematics N910-84. Dep. 84 p.2-12, Novosibirsk.

  71. Seremet V.D. Analytical Method of Investigation of stresses in cultivating reclamation systems. Abstracts of the Republican scientific-practical conference, Chisinau, 1984, p80.

  72. Seremet, V.D. Calculation of the elastic basis supported by a retraining wall. Izv. Vuzov, Stroitelistvo I arhitektura, Novosibirsk, 1984, N10, p.45-50 (in Russian).

  73. Seremet V.D. Constructing and application of Green�s tensors in mechanics of rigid deformed body. Structural mechanics and constructional analysis, Moscow, 1983 N3, p.81

  74. Seremet V.D. Harmonic analogy for a class of problems in the theory of problems in the theory of elasticity. Mezhvuz sb. �Improvement of strength of machine elements and members in agriculture machinery�, Chisinau, 1983, p.78-83.

  75. Seremet, V.D. Thermoelastic plane deformation of the quarter-plane, Izv. Vuzov, Stroistelistvo i arhitectura, Novosibirsk 1983, N7, p.41-45 (in Russian).

  76. Seremet V.D. A new solution and generalisation of Mindlin's problem for the elastic half-space. Applied mathematics and mechanics of continuous medium, Chisinau, Academy of Science of Moldova, 1983, p134-140 (in Russian).

  77. Seremet V.D. Tensor of influence of displacements of a locally-mixed problem for the half-space. Uzv. Vuzov, Novosibirsk, 1983 N9, p.80-84 (in Russian).

  78. Seremet, V.D. Calculation of elastic massifs in a form of the quarter-space. In the book: Improvement in reclamation agricultural systems.- Chisinau, 1983, p72-75 (in Russian).

  79. Seremet V.D. Unit stressed- deformed state of the elastic octant. �Improvement of the cultivating reclamation systems� Chisinau, 1983, p.75-79.

  80. Seremet V.D. Equilibrium of the elastic octant loaded with the concentrated force. Dep. at the Izv. of the Academy of Science of Moldova

  81. Seremet V.D. Application of the influence functions to determine stresses in the load-bearing wall of the building. Izv. Vuzov. Civil Engineering and Architecture., Novosibirsk, 1982

  82. Seremet, V.D. Green's tensor of displacements for the elastic half-space with a fixed boundary plane. In the book: Numerical analysis in mechanics problems, Chisinau, Academy of Science of Moldova, 1982, p. 139-143 (in Russian).

  83. Seremet, V.D. Green's tensor of a mixed problem for the elastic half-space, Izv.Vuzov, Stroistelstvo i arhitectura, Novosibirsk, 1981, N3 p32-38 (in Russian).

  84. Seremet V.D. Analysis of the strength of agricultural constructions with the consideration of inhomogenuity of the material by the method of integral equations, Abstracts of the Republican Scientific and Production Conference further intensification of the developing of agriculture in the MSSR, part II, Kisninau,1981, p119.

  85. Seremet V.D. Influence of physical-mechanical characteristics onto the stressed state of elasto-creeping body. Transaction of the V.V.Kuibyshev MISI, N 104, Modelling of the problems in dynamics, thermoelasticity and static by polarisation-optical method, Moscow, 1972, p.86-93.

  86. Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. Application of photothermoelasticity method and determination of stresses in concrete constructions resulted from the forced deformations under the creeping conditions. Izv. Of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Mechanics, XXYI, N 4, 1973, p.69-78, Yerevan

  87. Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. On some theorems for the plane problems in the linear theory of creeping. . Izv. of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Mechanics, XXYI, N 4, 1973, p.69-78, Yerevan Hesin G. Ia., Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. Anwendung der Spannuos optik Zun Untersuchung des Spannungs-Dehnungaverhaltens von Konstruktions-elemen bei Beriicksichtig uns des Kriechens. Spannungs aptische Untersuchungen. Bauinformation, 57, DDR, Berlin, 1973.

  88. Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. Application of the photoelasticity method to determine the stresses under creeping. Structural Mechanics and Constructional Analysis, NS, Moscow, 1974 p.75-77

  89. Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. Consideration of creeping in modelling of concrete construction state by polarizational- optical method. Transaction of All-Union Conference on the problems of concrete creeping and Shrinkage, N 113, Moscow 1974, p.26-34.

  90. Hesin G. Ia., Vardanian G.S., Musatov L.Gh., Seremet V.D Fotoelasticimetrike Modelovanie Detrovanie Betonic Stavebniky Casopie Rocnic XXII, Cislor, SAV, Bratislava, 1974. P.89-94.

  91. Vardanian G.S., Seremet V.D. Modelling of creeping by the method of elastic analogy. Transactions of MISI, N 114, Moscow, 1975

  92. Seremet V.D. On the influence of material creeping onto stresses. Abstracts of the Republican Conference on the Problems of applied and theoretical mechanics and its application Chisinau, 1975, p.24-25

  93. Slitskouhov Yu.N., Mihai G.F., Seremet V.D. On the stability of orthotropic thin-walled glass-plastic rodes with creeping taken into account Izv. Vuzov, Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 1,1976, Novosibirsk

  94. Seremet V.D. On an elastic analogy in mixed problem of the linear theory of creeping. Mezhvuz. Sb. KSHI �M.V. Frunze� Strength of constructing elements in cultivating reclamation systems, Chisinau, 1977, p.22-36

  95. Seremet V.D. On the solution of the contact problem for the body composed of two materials possessing both creeping and aging. Mezhvuz. Sb. KSHI �M.V. Frunze� Strength of constructing elements in cultivating reclamation systems, Chisinau, 1977, p.22-36

  96. Seremet, V. D., Some new results in 3-D thermoelasticity, The 14th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (14th USNCTAM), Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, June 2002, USA

  97. Seremet, V. D., Some New Results in Uncoupled Thermoelasticity. Proceed. of the Inter. Conf. �50 years of the foundation of the faculty of Environmental Engineering� of Agrarian State University of Moldova, 27 October, 2001, p. 29-32, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova ( in English).

  98. Seremet, V. D., The Generalisation of Poisson�s Formula for a Circle in the Stationary Thermoelasticity. Bulletin of Iasi, Romania. ( in English)

  99. Seremet V.D. The modification of Maysel�s formula in the stationary thermoelasticity, Bulletin of Academy of Science of Republic of Moldova, Mathematics, .3, 1997, p. 19 � 22, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova ( in English)

  100. Seremet V.D. Generalisation of Poisson�s type formulae for a half-space in thermoelectrostatics. Proceedings of the State Agrarian University of Republic of Moldova, 1997,V.6, pp. 26-29 ( in Romanian).

  101. Seremet, V. D., Some New Results in Constructing of 3D Green�s Matrices. Proceedings of the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM 2002) , Columbia University in the City of New York, June 2-5, P. 8, USA, 2002.

  102. Seremet V.D. Integral equations and Green's matrices for boundary value problems in the method of influence elements in mechanics of deformable bodies. Doctor habilitat thesis in physical and mathematical science. Chisinau Technical University, Moldova, 1995 ( in Romanian).

  103. Seremet V.D. General integral presentations and Green�s matrices of one class elasticity theory value problems. Proceedings of the 2-nd National Conference on boundary and FINITE ELEMENT � with international participation. Section 1. Elfin 2. Sibiu, 13-15 , May, 1993, p.169 � 178 (in English), Romania

  104. Seremet V.D. Constructing of elastic Green�s matrices and their application in mechanics. Romai. First Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Oradia, Romania, 1993,p.20 ( in Romanian).

  105. Seremet V.D. Method of Green�s functions in the boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity. Chisinau, Abstracts of XVIII Congress of Science and Arts, 1993, p.60. ( in Romanian).

  106. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's function and Green's matrix for a elastic strip. Scientific proceedings of the State Agrarian University of Republic of Moldova, V.2, 1992, pp. 50-53 (in Romanian).

  107. Seremet, V.D. Green's matrices and Green's functions for boundary value problems in stationary heat transfer and staticelasticity for the rectangular. Dep. VINITI, N 2606- B91, Moscow,1991, 41p. (in Russian).

  108. Seremet, V.D. Green's functions and Green's matrices for mixed boundary problems in the theory of elasticity for the strip, half-strip , and ?, ? plane. Dep. VINITI, n 4468-B90, Moscow, 1990- 28p. (in Russian).

  109. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's functions and Green's matrices for mixed boundary values in the theory of elasticity for the space and ?, ? and 1/8 space. Dep. VINITI, N4469-B90, Moscow,1990, 25p (in Russian).

  110. Seremet, V.D. Constructing Green's functions and Green's matrices for a class of boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINITI. N518-B90, Moscow, 1990- 23p. (in Russian).

  111. Seremet, V.D. Fundamental solutions of some problems in the theory of elasticity, Dep. VINITI, n 4468-B90, Moscow, 1990- 28p. (in Russian).

  112. Seremet V.D. Constructing of Green�s tensor for some problems for the elastic parallelepiped, Dep. VINITI, Moscow, 1988, nr. 2409-B88, - 13 p. (in Russian).

  113. Seremet, V.D. Fundamental solutions of some problems in the theory of elasticity, Izv. Vuzov, Matematika, Kazani, 1988, N II, p.85-88 (in Russian).

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